The Bin Ladens Read online

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  Surayhi, Hasan Al-

  Suri, Abu Musab Al-

  Sweden; phone system of

  Swift, Linda Pergament

  Swiss Bank Corporation

  Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property


  Syria, Syrians; Arab-Israeli war (1973) and; education in; Hejaz Railway and; Mohamed’s marriages to; Osama’s visits to; revolt in; Saudi educators from


  Tabasco sauce

  Taif; Bin Laden summerhouse in; education in; road from Mecca to

  Taif to Abha road

  Taif to Riyadh road

  takfir, doctrine of

  Taliban; fall of

  Taqi Al-Din Ibn Taymiyya

  taxes; from pilgrims

  Tayyib, Al-Ghazi Madani Al-


  telephones; portable; satellite; speed dialers for

  television; Osama’s views on; Osama’s watching of; protest against; satellite; war and


  terrorism; cost of; East Africa embassy bombings and; financing of; first World Trade Center attack and; of Khalifa; of Osama; Palestinian; in Saudi Arabia; see also Al Qaeda; September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

  Texas; see also specific cities

  Texas, University of

  Thafiz Al-Koran Al-Kareem

  Theroux, Peter

  Thomas Summerson & Sons

  Thomas Ward, Ltd.

  Tickle, Charles



  Top 1000 Saudi Companies

  Tora Bora

  Toraifi, Adel


  Toys “R” Us


  training camps, for Arab volunteers

  Trans World Airlines (TWA)

  Treasury bonds, U.S.

  Treasury Department, U.S.; Bin Laden disclosures to; Office of Foreign Assets Control of

  Trinford Investments S.A.

  Truman, Harry

  Trump, Donald

  Trump, Ivana

  Tufts University

  Turabi, Hassan Al-

  Turkey; see also Ottoman Empire Turki Al-Faisal, prince of Saudi Arabia; jihad in Yemen and

  Tuttle, F. Thomas


  “UBL Finances Sub-Group,”



  ummah (community of believers)

  Unger, Craig

  United Arab Emirates

  United Medical Group

  United Nations

  United Press International (UPI)

  United States; automobiles in; Bin Laden family investments in; education in; Faisal’s visit to; Mohamed’s business with; Nicaraguan Contras and; oil and; Osama in; Osama’s war against; Salem’s business operations in; Saudi corporate business of; Saud’s visits to; stock market in; Sudan’s relations with; telephone industry of; see also specific countries

  University of San Francisco

  University of Southern California (USC)

  Upper Metn Secondary School

  Urowsky, Richard J.



  van der Meulen, Daniel

  Versailles Conference

  Victoria College


  Vinnell Corporation

  Vinson and Elkins


  Vogel, Frank E.


  Wadi Doan

  Wadi Rakiyah

  Wahhab, Mohamed Abdul

  Wahhabis; Fahd and; Pakistan proselytizing of; rise of; Saud’s deviation from; women and

  Walters, Barbara

  waqfs (Islamic trusts)

  Washington, D.C.; Afghan embassy in; Fahd summit in; Iridium in; 9/11 and; Saudi embassy in; see also White House


  Watson, Dale

  wazirs (ministers)

  Weaver, Sigourney

  Wechsler, William

  Welch, Jack

  “Western Banking Practices and Shari’a Law in Saudi Arabia” (Abdullah Bin Laden)


  White, Bill

  White, Weld & Company

  White House; counterterrorism office at; Iridium executives at

  William, Prince

  Winston, Harry

  Wolfowitz, Paul

  women: in Afghanistan; Bin Laden, diversity of; inheritance of; lack of information about; modesty and honor around; progressive, Queen Iffat as archetype of; Riyadh Spring and; Salem’s giving of money to; Saud’s views on; veils and; in Wadi Doan

  Woodgate West

  World Assembly of Muslim Youth

  World Bank

  World Trade Center; first attack on; second attack on

  World War I

  World War II

  World Wide Web

  Wyatt, Oscar


  Yaf ’ei, Muhamad Salem Al-

  Yemen, Yemenis; Abdullah’s return to; Bin Laden family origins in; Egyptian intervention in; jihad in; money runs and; Osama in; Osama’s bride from; Osama’s calls to; revolution and civil war in; Saudi relations with; terrorism and

  York International Corporation

  “Young People of Saudi Arabia, The” (British ambassador’s report)

  Yousef, Ramzi

  Yusufzai, Rahimullah


  Zahed, Fouad

  Zaidan, Ahmad

  zakat fund

  Zawahiri, Ayman Al-



  Steve Coll is most recently the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning bestseller Ghost Wars. He is the president of the New America Foundation, a nonpartisan public policy institute headquartered in Washington, D.C., and a staff writer for the New Yorker. Previously he worked for twenty years at the Washington Post, where he received a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory journalism in 1990, traveled widely as a foreign correspondent, and served as the Post’s managing editor between 1998 and 2004. He is the author of five other books, including On the Grand Trunk Road and The Taking of Getty Oil.


  Ghost Wars

  On the Grand Trunk Road

  Eagle on the Street (with David A. Vise)

  The Taking of Getty Oil

  The Deal of the Century



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  First published in 2008 by The Penguin Press, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

  Copyright © Steve Coll, 2008

  All rights reserved


  Coll, Steve.

  The Bin Ladens: an Arabian family in the American century/Steve Coll.

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN: 1-4362-0389-9

  1. Bin Laden family. 2. Saudi Arabia—History—20th century. I. Title.

  CS1129.B552 2008 2007042748


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  Decades later, Osama Bin Laden recruited Khalid Al-Mihdhar, a member of this well-known Wadi Doan family of sayyids, or descendants of the Prophet Mohamed, as a hijacker in the September 11 plot; Al-Mihdhar piloted the plane that crashed into the Pentagon.

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  On the morning of September 11, 2001, Shafiq Bin Laden was attending an investors conference at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., when the attack launched by his half-brother struck the Pentagon.

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  Five of the hijackers who crashed planes into American targets on September 11, who were recruited by Osama Bin Laden, came from Asir. There is a striking symmetry in these air crashes involving Americans and Asiris, which took place during two Septembers thirty-four years apart.

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