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The Bin Ladens Page 73

  Khatib, Walid Al-

  Khattab, Omar Bin Al-

  Kherchtou, L’Hossaine

  Khost province

  Kilo; Bin Laden compound at


  King Abdulaziz Air Base

  King Abdulaziz University; Hajj Research Center in

  King Abdullah Economic City; Kissinger, Henry

  Kitty Hawk Field of Dreams; Kitzbühel

  Koran; inheritance and; instruction in; Judgment Day in; memorizing of; multiple marriages and

  Korean Air Lines Flight 007

  Kulsum, Umm

  Kuwait; Iraq’s invasion of


  Lackland Air Force Base

  Ladin International Company


  Lake, Anthony

  Lansdowne Limited; Las Vegas, NV


  Lawrence, T. E. (Lawrence of Arabia)

  Lebanon, Lebanese; civil war in; education in; Israeli invasion of (1982); U.S. hostages in

  lend-lease aid

  LeVine, Steve

  Lewis, Mary Ellen



  Lion’s Den

  Logan, Sam

  Logan International Airport

  London; Abdullah-Edwardes meeting in; Bakr’s driver in; Bin Laden office in; Osama in; Osama’s considering of move to; Osama’s office in; “Painting and Patronage” in; power surge in; Salem in; Saudi exiles in; stock market in; terrorism in

  Long March Rockets

  Lormel, Dennis

  Los Angeles, CA; Ibrahim’s mansion in; Khalil in; Najiah in; Salem in; Yeslam in

  Los Angeles County Superior Court

  Los Angeles International Airport

  Los Angeles Police Department; Love, Ben

  Love, Mark


  McBride, Robert

  McCarthy, Miller

  McCartney, Paul

  McDonald, Larry

  MacDonald, Marianne


  McFarlane, Robert

  McKim, Steven

  McManus, John C.

  Maenna, Khaled Al-

  Magnum Aircraft International


  Majid, Prince

  Major, John

  Makhtab Al-Khadamat (Services Office)

  Marconi wireless network

  Margarita (Bergin’s girlfriend)

  Marina, the

  “Martin” (Bakr’s London driver)

  martyrdom, martyrs



  Masari, Mohammed Al-

  Mason, J.C.M.


  Massoud, Ahmed Shah

  Mawdudi, Sayed Abdullah Al-

  Mayfield, Earl

  MBO Investments, Inc.

  Mead, Syd

  Mecca; Afghan rebels in; Azzam in; Bin Laden projects in; collapse of pilgrimage to; condo projects in; Fahd’s project in; Hajj and; Hashemite Sharifs in; improvements in; Jeddah as gateway to; Ka’ba in; Mohamed’s sons in; Osama as manager in; Osama’s visits to; palaces in; road from Jeddah to; Salem’s girlfriends in; Wahhabi destruction of; Zamzam well in; see also Grand Mosque

  Mecca to Taif road

  Medina; Afghan rebels in; Arab volunteers from; Bin Laden projects in; cost of government project in; difficulties of travel to; Hajj and; Mahrouz in; Osama in; Osama’s missing of; Prophet Mohamed’s exile in; Prophet’s Mosque in; railway to; road from Jeddah to; Salem’s burial in; Salem’s girlfriends in; Saud in; Turkish garrison in

  Medina, University of

  Medina, water pipeline into

  Mello Yello

  Metro West

  Metz, Timothy

  Miami, FL

  Miami, University of

  Miami-Dade Community College

  Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.

  Middle East Broadcasting

  Middle East Policy Council

  Mihdhar, Khalid Al-

  Mihdhar, Sayyid Hamid Al-

  military, Saudi

  military, U.S.; Saudi bases for

  Military Construction Agreement

  Millfield School

  Mishairi, prince of Saudi Arabia

  Mishal, Prince

  “Miss Arabia,”

  missiles; anti-aircraft

  Moawalla, Akbar

  modernity: attacks on; Faisal’s drive for

  Modernity on the Scale of Islam (Al-Qarni)

  Mohamed, Prophet; Abdulaziz compared with; burial place of; Dome of the Rock and; earliest companions of; hadiths and; home of; Osama compared with

  Mohamed and Abdullah, sons of Awadh Bin Laden: Abdullah bought out of; annual revenue of; foreign engineers used by; palace projects of; reorganization of; road building of

  Mohamed Bin Laden Company (MBC); Medina and Mecca projects of; Osama’s expulsion from

  Mohamed Bin Laden Organization; Ali’s separation from; Bakr at; Bakr’s reorganization of; charity of; fear of collapse of; inheritance of; Jerusalem project of; Mecca projects of; Medina projects of; merger possibility and; Osama at; Osama’s ambition to work in; palace projects of; road building of; Salem made chairman of; shoddy work of; slowness and delays of; succession in; trustees for; value of

  Mohamed Binladin Organization Incorporated

  Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh; Mohammed Bin Fahd, prince of Saudi Arabia

  money laundering

  money runs


  Moody-Stuart, Mark

  Moon, Rev. Sun Myung

  Morrison-Knudsen; mosques; Bin Laden; see also specific cities motorcycles

  Motorola Corporation

  Mottakbani, Yousef



  Mubarak, Hosni

  mujaheddin,; Afghan


  Mukalla, sultan of

  Munro, Ian

  Musaid, Faisal Bin; music; Osama’s rejection of; rock-and-roll; Salem’s interest in

  Muslim Brotherhood; Al-Taqwa’s ties to; Azzam in; Osama in; Osama’s break with; in Pakistan; Syria revolt and; World Assembly of Muslim Youth’s ties to

  Muslim World League

  mutawawa (religious police)



  Nabulsi, Haifa. See Bin Laden, Haifa Nabulsi

  Nairobi, bombing of U.S. embassy in

  Najim (Osama’s Syrian brother-in-law)


  Nasser, Gamal Abdel; Arab-Israeli conflict and; Arab nationalism and; coup of; death of; Faisal vs.; Jerusalem project and; Muslim Brotherhood and; Saud’s relations with; U.S. relations with; Yemen revolution and



  National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  National Commercial Bank (NCB); National Company for Electrical Power, Ltd.

  National Guard, Saudi

  National Security Agency (NSA)

  National Security Council

  natural gas

  Navy, British

  Nawar, Sami Saleh

  Nayef, Prince of Saudi Arabia; 9/11 and; Osama’s denunciation of

  “Negotiability of Financial Instruments in Contemporary Financial Markets” (Abdullah Bin Laden)

  Nehru, Jawaharlal

  Nejd, Nejdis

  Nejran; road to

  Netherlands Antilles

  Newcomb, Richard; New York City; Bakr in; Harlem in; 9/11 in; Salem in; Saud in; stock market in

  New York-Presbyterian

  Nicaraguan Contras

  9/11 Commission

  Nixon, Richard

  Norris, Stephen

  Northern Telecom

  Northwest Frontier Province

  North Yemen

  Nujad (Arabian horse)


  Oaktree Village

  Obeidi, Bilawal


  O’Brien, Seamus

  Offley Chase Salem’s marriage at

  offshore companies; of Salem

  oil; Be
chtel’s plans and; Churchill and; dissent and; invasion of Kuwait and; missionary purchases and; as payment for arms; price declines for; price increases for; Soviet interest in; in spot markets; of Sudan; U.S. payments for; wealth and

  oil boom

  oil embargo

  oil shocks


  Olympic Tower

  Om Ali (mother of Ali)

  Omar (Mohamed’s driver)

  Omar, Mullah

  Omar Mountain

  “One Roadblock After Another” (U.S. embassy report)

  Oom area

  Operation Desert Shield

  Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

  Orlando, FL; Orlando International Airport

  orphans, orphanages

  Otaibi, Juhaiman Al-

  Ottoman Empire; collapse of

  Ousman, Cyril

  “overbuilding, overstocking,”

  Oxford Center for Islamic Studies


  Pagonis, William G.

  “Painting and Patronage” (art exhibition)

  Pakistan; Afghan refugees in; Azzam as bridge to; Bakr in; Bin Laden first contact with; education in; intelligence of (ISI); Muslim Brotherhood in; Osama in; Osama’s calls to; Salem’s visits to; Saudi relations with; training camp in

  Pakistan army

  Palestinian Authority

  Palestinians, Palestine; Israel’s conflict with; Mohamed’s marriage to; Osama’s views on; terrorism of

  Palm Beach, FL


  Panama City

  Panama City, FL


  Parrot’s Beak

  Pascetta, Ric

  Pashtun territory

  Paul, Roy L.

  Peghiny, Lynn

  Pentagon; 9/11 and; Salem’s attempt to contact

  Persian Gulf


  Peshawar; engineers in; Ghalib’s visit to; Islamic charities in; Osama’s anti-American speech in; Osama’s departure from; Osama’s move to

  Peters, F. E.;

  Peterson, Rick

  Pharaon, Gaith

  Philby, Harry St. John Bridger; on Jeddah; on Riyadh; road building and; World War II detention of



  photography; rejection of

  Piccirillo, Paul

  Piccirillo, Saleha Bin Laden

  pilgrims; on Day of Standing; growth in number of; Hejaz Railway and; injuries to; surveys of; taxes from; travel difficulties of

  Pilley, John

  Pillsbury, Michael

  pilots; Bin Ladens as; of Mohamed; of Salem; suicide

  Piscopo, Joe

  Pizza, Anita

  Pizza, Jack

  Pochna, Michael; on Bakr; Bin Laden Telecommunications and

  police, Saudi; religious (mutawawa);

  polygamy: Islam and; Osama’s views on

  Port Sudan

  Pratt (chemist)

  Price Waterhouse

  “Prince Salman and Charity Offerings in Ramadan” (Osama Bin Ladin)

  prison leasing

  “Project Debra,”


  Protocols of the Elders of Zion

  Public Broadcasting System



  Qadi, Yasin Al-

  Qahtani, Mohamed Al-

  Qarni, Awad Al-


  Queensberry, Ambrose

  Queensberry, David

  Quincy, USS

  Qutb, Mohamed

  Qutb, Sayid


  Rabab Stud

  Rabat Bashan

  Rabbani, Burhanuddin

  radios, in airplanes

  Rahim, Basil Al-



  Rasheed, Madawi Al-

  Raytheon Corporation

  Reagan, Ronald; Afghan war and

  Red Crescent

  Red Sea; Bin Laden “beach houses” on; effects of Suez Canal on; fishing in; health of; Ibrahim’s estate on; King Abdullah Economic City on; palaces on; ports of; trade on

  refugees; Afghan

  Republican Party

  Resun Leasing

  Richmond, VA

  Rihani, Amin

  Rihani, Fuad

  Riyadh; bayah ceremony in; Bin Laden villa in; building contracts in; car bombing in; competition for contracts in; described; education in; failed Salem-Trump deal in; hotel in; Islamist dissent in; Juhaiman in; Murabba Quarter in; Newcomb’s mission to; Osama’s birth in; “Paintings and Patronage” in; palaces in; roads to; Salman as governor of; TV studio in; U.S. embassy in

  Riyadh Opera House

  Riyadh Spring

  Road Department, Saudi

  roads: in Saudi Arabia, see Saudi Arabia, roads i in Sudan; as symbol of modernity; U.S. as advocate of

  Rodriguez, Jorge

  Rodriguez, Mrs. Jorge

  Rogers, Kenny; Roma brothers

  Roman Empire

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies

  Rubenstein, David

  “Rules of Allegiance and Obedience” (pamphlet)

  Russell Wood, George

  Russell Wood & Company

  Ryan International


  Saadi, Abdullah

  Sada (Echo)

  Sadat, Anwar



  Salafi school

  Saleh, Ali Abdullah

  Salha, Najib

  Salhia Lotus Beach Resort

  Salian International

  Salman Bin Abdulaziz, prince

  sambuks (rowboats)

  San Antonio, TX

  San Francisco, University of (USF)


  Saqeer, Prince Mohamed Bin Abdullah Al-

  Sarkissian, Henry

  Sarkissian, Kourken

  Sarkissian family

  Saud, king of Saudi Arabia; Buraimi dispute and; deposing of; drinking of; Faisal compared with; Faisal’s disputes with; health problems of; indiscipline of; Medina and Mecca and; Mohamed’s relationship with; Muslim Brotherhood and; Nasserism and; palaces of; railroads and; road building and; royal property sales and; sexual behavior and marriages of; U.S. relations with; wealth of

  Saud Al-Faisal, prince of Saudi Arabia

  Saudia Airlines

  Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda’s attacks in; appeals to Osama to return to; attempted military coup in (1955); banking in; censorship in; diplomatic passports of; dissent quelled in; education in; family as political unit in; financial problems of; financial reforms in; formation of; government payroll in; Hajj pilgrims’ resentment of; Hejaz Railway and; intelligence of (GID); Islamic devotion in; labor shortage in; lack of economic and social progress in; 9/11 and; oil boom in; oil embargo and; oil of; Osama’s calls to; Osama’s conflicts with; Osama’s essays about; Osama’s exile from; Osama’s popularity in; Osama’s relatives’ return to; Osama’s return to; Osama stripped of citizenship by; roads in; Salafi school in; slaves in; telephones in; terrorist attacks in; ultralights banned in; Wahhabis in, see Wahhabis; Walters in; water in; see also specific places; subheadings under specific countries

  Saudi Arabian Airlines

  Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (central bank)

  Saudi Bank of Paris

  Saudi Bin Laden Group (SBG); employment policies at; King Abdullah Economic City and; legal proceedings against; Osama’s expulsion from; Public Buildings and Airports Division of; U.S. outpost of

  Saudi Development Fund

  Saudi Investment Company (SICO)

  Saudi Investment Company Panama Corporation

  Saudi Investors, Incorporated

  Saudin Inc.

  “Saudi Regime and Repeated Tragedies of the Pilgrims, The” (Osama Bin Laden)

  Saudi-U.S. relations; Buraimi dispute and; conspiracy theories and; deterioration of alliance in; Fahd and; invasion of Kuwait and; mil
itary bases and; Nasser and; Nicaraguan Contras and; 9/11 and; oil and; Osama and; railroads and; road building and; Salem’s role in; Saud and; secularization and; State Department memo (Dec. 22, 1994) and; terrorist financing and

  Sauter, Auguste

  Sawaya, Emile

  Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul

  Sayyaf, Abdurrab Rahul

  SBG (USA), Inc. (formerly Cromwell Corporation)

  Scherz, TX

  Scheuer, Michael

  Schwartz, Charles

  Schwarzkopf, Norman

  Scotland Yard

  Securities and Futures Authority, British

  Semberg, Yehuda

  Semmari, Fahd Al-

  September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; in New York; Pentagon and; planning of; recruitment for; return of Bin Ladens to Saudi Arabia after

  Services Office. See Makhtab Al-Khadamat

  Shahin, Robert

  Shakir, Ibrahim

  Sharbatly, H. A.


  Sharjah to Khayma road

  Sharm El Sheikh

  sheikh, use of term


  Shields, Brooke

  Shooting Club; shopping malls, shopping

  Shorty’s Bar-B-Q

  Shtaye, Nadir

  Shulman, Robin

  Signposts (Qutb)

  Signs of the Merciful (Azzam)

  Silva, Marta

  silver market

  Simpson, Dominic


  Skyway Aircraft Leasing, Ltd.


  Sleeping with the Devil (Baer)

  SMB Investments

  Smith, Michele

  SOCAL (Standard Oil Company of California)


  Sockol, Samuel

  Solomon, King


  Soros, George

  South Africa; arms dealers from

  South America

  South Yemen

  Soviet Union; in Afghanistan, see Afghanistan, Soviets i Saudi relations with; Sputnik and; U.S. relations with; Yemen and

  Sowell, Don

  Sowell Aviation


  sports; Osama’s interest in; Sputnik

  Stark, Freya

  Starr, Steve

  State Department, U.S.; Bechtel and; Griffin in; Mohamed’s company and

  Stegner, Wallace

  stock, stock market

  Stockholm Radio

  Story of the Great Expansion (Bakr Bin Laden)

  Sudan; British relations with; Hajj pilgrims from; Osama expelled from; Osama’s bank accounts in; Osama’s business and investments in; Osama’s calls to

  Sudayri family

  “Sudayri Seven,”


  Suez Canal

  Sufis, Sufism

  Suleiman, Abdullah; alcohol and; background of; business interests of; palace of; Paris medical leave of; retirement of; road building and

  Sullivan & Cromwell

  Sultan, Khalid Bin

  Sultan, Prince (Fahd’s brother)