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The Bin Ladens Page 70

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  SUSKIND, RON. The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America’s Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

  TEITELBAUM, JOSHUA. Holier Than Thou: Saudi Arabia’s Islamic Opposition. Washington, D.C.: Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2000.

  THEROUX, PETER. Sandstorms: Days and Nights in Arabia. New York: W. W. Norton, 1990.

  THOMAS, LOWELL. With Lawrence in Arabia. London: Prion, 2002.

  TOAIMI, SALEH, ed. Saudi Arabia Trade Directory 1981. Jeddah: Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce, 1981.

  TROFIMOV, YAROSLAV. Faith at War: A Journey on the Frontlines of Islam, from Baghdad to Timbuktu. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2005.

  UNGER, CRAIG. House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World’s Two Most Powerful Dynasties. New York: Scribner, 2004.

  VAN DER MEULEN, D. The Wells of Ibn Saud. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957.

  ———. Aden to the Hadhramaut: A Journey in South Arabia. London: John Murray, 1947.

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  VINK, STEVEN. Daniel van der Meulen in Arabia Felix. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, 2003.

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  WOODWARD, BOB. Veil: The Secret Wars of the CIA. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1987.

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  BURDETT, A. L. P., ed. Records of Saudi Arabia, 1966–1971, volumes 1 and 2, London: Archive Editions, 2004.

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  JARMAN, ROBERT L., ed. The Jedda Diaries, 1919–1940, volumes I–IV, collected British government documents from the Jedda legation. London: Archive Editions, 1990.

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  Ali Khan Musarrat v. America in Motion Corp., Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C728912.

  America in Motion Corp. v. Magnum Aircraft International, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, NWS043648.

  America in Motion Corp. v. Ron R. Goldie, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, WEC13994.

  America in Motion Corp. v. Steven McKim et al., Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C724395.

  American Builder Association v. Khalil Binladin, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, WEC120274.

  Ashton v. al Qaeda Islamic Army, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 02Civ6977.

  Bank of Beverly Hills v. Swiss American Financial, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C685851.

  Bank of California v. Alexander Cappello et al., Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C751115.

  Barrera v. al Qaeda Islamic Army, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 03Civ7036.

  Binladen BSB Landscaping v. M. V. Nedloyd, 82 Civ. 1037 F. 2d 1006, 1012 (2d Cir. 1985). Board of Managers of Flagship Wharf v. Sayeh, Suffolk Superior Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, SUCV1999-02657.

  Burnett v. Al Baraka Inv. & Dev. Corp., United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 02Civ1616.

  ———, 03Civ5738.

  Burnett Cos. Consolidated v. Jim Bath, Harris County Courts, Texas, 98-706743.

  Carmen Bin Ladin v. Ibrahim Mohammed Bin Ladin, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, BC212648.

  Charles White v. Skyways Aircraft Leasing, Harris County Courts, Texas, 90-53147.

  Christine Binladin v. Ibrahim Binladin, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, BD058156.

  Christine Hartunian v. Prestige Homes, Inc., Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, SC055776.

  Dallas County v. Kabeltan Corp., Dallas County Courts, Texas, 92-32136.

  Ducharme v. Hunnewell, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Norfolk, 411 Mass. 711; 585 N.E. 2d 321, 1992.

  Federal Insurance v. Al Qaeda, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 03Civ6978.

  Franklin Frisaura v. Regina Frisaura, Orange County Courts, Florida, DR97-3754.

  Frederic L. Nason v. Kabelton Corp., Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, BC205378.

  FSB Partner v. Khalil Binladin, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, LC000160.

  Houston Independent School District v. Salha Binladen, Harris County Courts, Texas, 85-19835.

  Ian Munro et al. v. the Dee Howard Co., Bexar County Courts, Texas, 91-CI-00928.

  Ibrahim Bin Ladin et al. v. Paul Andrew Richley, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, WEC112956.

  In Re: Estate of Salem Binladen, Deceased, Bexar County Courts, Texas, 91-PC-1012.

  In Re: Franklin B. Frisaura, 97-9831, Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceeding, United States Federal Court, Central District of Florida.

  In Re: Terrorist Attacks on September 11, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 03 MDL 1570.

  Isabel Binladin v. Elizabeth Borges, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, SC003124.

  James R. Bath v. Charles W. (Bill) White, Harris County Courts, Texas, 89-42551.

  James R. Bath v. Kim Frumkin, Harris County Courts, Texas, 99-36377.

  John L. Laughlin et al. v. William E. King et al., Harris County Courts, Texas, 01-44577.

  Judicial Watch v. Department of Homeland Security & Federal Bureau of Investigation, 04-1643 (RWR) Washington, D.C.

  Justin Baldwin et al. v. Alexander Cappello et al., Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C658270.

  Khalil Binladin v. American Builder Association, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C663911.

  ———, SC002982.

  Lansdowne Financial Services Ltd. v. Binladen Telecommunications Company Ltd., State of New York, 95 A.D. 2d 711; 463 N.Y.S. 2d 826; 1983.

  Larson v. Macro International et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia (Newport News) 4:96-cv-00101-JCC.

  Mary Ellen Lewis v. James R. Bath, Harris County Courts, Texas, 89-01780A.

  Mouldi H. Sayeh v. Atlantic Bank and Trust Company, Suffolk Superior Court, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 98-2532.

  Petronella and Yarborough v. Charles W. (Bill) White, Harris County Courts, Texas, 99-724391.

  Raida Binladin v. Morris Ziff, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, C645771.

  Resolution Trust Corp. v. Express Park, Inc., Harris County Courts, Texas, 91-63093.

  Salvo v. al Qaeda Islamic Army, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 03Civ5071.

  Sandra C. Bath v. James R. Bath, Harris County Courts, Texas, 89-07180.

  Sparks Sandbach Kimberly v. Isabel Bayma, Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, WEC080333.

  Tremsky v. Osama bin Laden, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 02Civ7300.

  United States of America v. Enaam Arnout, United States District Court, Northern District of Illinois, 02-CR-892.

  United States of America v. Oliver L. North, United States District Court, District of Columbia, 88-0080-02.

  United States of America v. Soliman S. Biheiri, United States District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, Alexandria Division, 03-365-A.

  United States of America v. Usama bin Laden et al., United States District Court, Southern District of New York, S 98 Cr. 5

  Vigilant Insurance v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 03Civ8591.


  Abdulaziz, King Abdulaziz Foundation, 1999.

  Death of a Principle, Panorama for BBC, 1996.

  House of Saud, The, Algeria Productions, 2004.

  House of Saud, coproduced by Martin Smith and Chris Durrance for Frontline, 2005.

  Hunting Bin Laden, produced and directed by Martin Smith for Frontline, 2001.

  In the Footsteps of Osama Bin Laden, Peter Bergen and Christiane Amanpour for CNN, 2006.

  Meeting Osama Bin Laden, Brook Lapping Productions for WGBH Boston, 2004.

  Sur Les Traces de Ben Laden, Christophe Brule for M6, 2005.



  Abbasi, Ali Bey Al-

  Abbasi, Ali Bey Al-


  Abdulaziz, Abdul-Rahman Bin

  Abdulaziz, Ahmed Bin

  Abdulaziz bin Fahd, prince of Saudi Arabia; as favorite son

  Abdulaziz ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia; aging of; Al-Kharj and; appearance of; austere and pious lifestyle of; automobiles of; British relations with; charm of; death of; debts and financial problems of; Fahd’s relationship with; hunting of; Ikhwan vs.; majlis of; Mecca and Medina and; Mohamed’s relationship with; oil and; palace projects of Philby’s relationship with; railroads and; Saud compared with; sexual behavior and marriages of; succession and; Suleiman as financial adviser of; U.S. relations with; Wahhabis and; warfare of

  Abdullah, Rasma

  Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, king of Saudi Arabia; ascension of; Gore’s relationship with; Osama’s views on; Walters’s report and


  Abha to Taif road

  Abu Dhabi

  Abu-Odeh, Lama

  Abyan Governate

  Aden Protectorate

  Adham, Kamal

  Aesa, Hassan Al-

  Afghan Ariana

  Afghanistan; anti-Soviet rebels in; Bin Laden first contact with; civil war in; 9/11 and; Osama in; Osama’s exile in; Osama’s loss of sanctuary in; refugees from; Saudi policy for; Soviets in; Taliban in, see Taliban; telephones in; U.S. policy for

  Afghanistan, king of